What Is Anthropology
By Thomas Hylland
Translating Cultures Perspectives on Translation and Anthropology
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A History Of Anthropology
By Thomas Hylland
A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology
By Alessandro Duranti
Anthropology and Theology
By Douglas Davies
Race, Nature And Culture An Anthropological Perspective
By Peter Wade
A Handbook Of Economic Anthropology
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Small Places, Large Issues
By Thomas Hylland
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August 11, 2007
Posted By talkaboutanalog at Saturday, August 11, 2007
Labels: Anthropology, Ebooks

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6 Comments By Users:
Wow, this is awsome dude. Can you get more anthropology / sociology ebooks? I'm looking for Malinowski, Lévy-Bruhl, Max Gluckman, Émile Durkheim, Radcliffe-Brown, etc? They're not on the web, as I know, but maybe you can get a good scan of the books taken from library.
Regards dude!
I have added some more books on anthropology in this new post.
It will be great if you can tell the book name as well as author name so that i can search for the same.
Hello there again,
I already saw the second 'Anthropology' post. Thanks.
Well, I don't know if you just search on the web and put the links of the books, or if really manage to get them by other sources. Anyway, I was looking for anthropology books/authors that are not on the web. Here’s a few authors (any book from them in English would be great): Bronislaw Malinowski, Levy-Bruhl, Max Gluckman, Emile Durkheim, Radcliffe-Brown, Derek Freeman and Rodney Needham. These last two names (Freeman and Needham), would be like an orgasm if you could manage to get them in a great PDF quality. But as I said, it may be difficult to get them, since they’re not available in the net. Most of the authors, except Durkheim and Malinowski, not even in stores we can find them, since the books have a lot of years.
If you can access libraries with these authors/books, scan them, and put it on the web, would be great. Maybe I’m asking too much.
How about a Philosophy entry?
Regards for the blog and the books.
I will try my best to find those. Give me some time. Will do a post on philosophy soon.
It will be pretty difficult for you to find the books on the web. I'll give you two books from Freeman and Needham that would be awsome if you could manage to get them:
a) Right and Left: Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification, by Rodney Needham
b) Margaret Mead & Samoa: the Making & Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth, by Derek Freeeman
Other books:
* The Last Kings of Thule by, Jean Malaurie
* Metamorphosis : The Dynamics of Symbolism in European Fairy Tales, by Francisco Vaz da Silva
* Other anthropologists: Kirsten Hastrup, Victor Turner, James Frazer, etc, etc.
Books from Routledge/Blackwell/Chicago University Press and so on, would be nice.
Well, I won't bother you more with requests. If you have free time, and the possibility to find these books, I would thank a lot :)
After lots and lots of try i could only get one of the author book which you have specified.
It is by james frazer.
The Golden Bough
By James George Frazer
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