Earlier i have written an article about how to keep your system safe by using free anti spyware as well as free anti virus softwares. Here i would like to introduce a concept called Virtual Hard disk. Currently there are some tools like microsoft virtual drive and some other like VMware but Sandboxie beats all the competetion from all the other vendors.
First what Sandboxie does is when you install that software into your hard disk and when ever u browse the net using IE or your favorite browser it will save all the details like Temporary internet files,cookies etcc..etc..into the portion of your hard disk. Some thing like virtual hard disk.
When ever you finish your work and restart the system all the contents in the virtual hard disk will get erased. Hence even if a virus attacks or any spyware attacks on your system can be easily tackled with out using any other anti virus or anti spyware or malaware softwares.
The size of sandboxie is very small around 200KB.The company says that it will not support Windows 98 OS but absolutely no problems. It works fine with that too.
The recommended OS are Windows 2000,Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and 64 bit OS.
You can give a try of this software by visiting
You can even check out the reviews or any problems users are encountering using this tool at their forum.This is how it works.
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May 26, 2007
How to keep your system safe without using any softwares like anti virus or anti spyware etc..
Posted By talkaboutanalog at Saturday, May 26, 2007
Labels: Antispyware, Keeping the system safe, Sandboxie

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